Michelle Paulus
Welcome to the Paulus 1st Grade, 2020-2021!!
The Paulus 1st Graders and their families have entered this new world of distance learning! My goal is for learning to be fun! To do this, I will create daily activities that combine online learning with feet-on-the-ground lessons.
Daily lessons without the live links will be posted here. I will also be sharing student work here, so it will be a great place to visit!
Daily lessons with the live links will be in our Google Classroom. In the Google Classroom will also be a weekly overview so that parents and students can see how the Project of the Week builds to its Friday finish.
This fall, Paulus 1st Graders will be working with our standards-based programs-- Core5 Lexia, ST Math, Freckle, and MobyMax-- on a daily basis so that everyone builds the skills and learning they need for 2nd grade! We will be using both the Pearson Math and the Eureka Math programs. In language arts, we will be combining SIPPs with the National Geographic Reach for Reading program. Along the way we will also be taking many virtual field trips, completing beautiful art projects, exploring the world of science and nature, and sharing our experiences with our classmates.
This school year, there will be a lot more daily ZOOM classroom sessions. We will be having whole-class ZOOM morning meetings and ZOOM mid-day check-ins. Each meeting will have its own entry code for safety and these will be on the daily lessons in our Google Classroom. There will be small group Zoom class meetings for math lessons, for writing projects, and for National Geographic number book reading. Throughout the year I will also be taking the class on great learning adventures and these 1st grade learning explorers will get to record what the learn on VoiceThread and on our Seesaw blog. And of course, we will be having live music classes with Ms. Ruby and P.E. with Coach Tyler.
Distance Learning is fun!! And from my experience last spring, kids really learn a lot this way! Today we start our Grand Learning Adventure together.
Be well Paulus 1st Graders, be creative...and wash your hands!
Ms. Paulus
¡Los alumnos de primer grado de Paulus y sus familias han entrado en este nuevo mundo de aprendizaje a distancia! ¡Mi objetivo es aprender a ser divertido! Para hacer esto, crearé actividades diarias que combinen el aprendizaje en línea con lecciones prácticas.
Las lecciones diarias sin los enlaces en vivo se publicarán aquí. También compartiré el trabajo de los estudiantes aquí, ¡así que será un gran lugar para visitar!
Las lecciones diarias con los enlaces en vivo estarán en nuestro Google Classroom. En Google Classroom también habrá un resumen semanal para que los padres y los estudiantes puedan ver cómo el Proyecto de la semana avanza hasta su final del viernes.
Este otoño, los estudiantes de primer grado de Paulus trabajarán con nuestros programas basados en los estándares, Core5 Lexia, ST Math, Freckle y MobyMax, a diario para que todos desarrollen las habilidades y el aprendizaje que necesitan para el segundo grado. Usaremos los programas Pearson Math y Eureka Math. En artes del lenguaje, combinaremos los SIPP con el programa Reach for Reading de National Geographic. En el camino, también realizaremos muchas excursiones virtuales, completaremos hermosos proyectos de arte, exploraremos el mundo de la ciencia y la naturaleza y compartiremos nuestras experiencias con nuestros compañeros de clase.
Este año escolar, habrá muchas más sesiones diarias en el aula de ZOOM. Tendremos reuniones matutinas de ZOOM para toda la clase y registros de ZOOM al mediodía. Cada reunión tendrá su propio código de entrada por seguridad y estos estarán en las lecciones diarias en nuestro Google Classroom. Habrá reuniones de clase de Zoom en grupos pequeños para lecciones de matemáticas, para proyectos de escritura y para lectura de libros de números de National Geographic. A lo largo del año, también llevaré la clase a grandes aventuras de aprendizaje y estos exploradores de aprendizaje de primer grado podrán registrar lo que aprendan en VoiceThread y en nuestro blog Seesaw. Y, por supuesto, tendremos clases de música en vivo con la Sra. Ruby y P.E. con el entrenador Tyler.
¡El aprendizaje a distancia es divertido! Y según mi experiencia la primavera pasada, ¡los niños realmente aprenden mucho de esta manera! Hoy comenzamos juntos nuestra Gran Aventura de Aprendizaje.
Estén bien Paulus 1er grado, sean creativos ... ¡y lávense las manos!
Sra. Paulus
Whole-Class ZOOM 9:00-10:00
Funny family story.
ST Math: review of how to start
Printing practice- bag, cab, fad, fade, beef
How to get into Cored5 Lexia through CLEVER.
10:00-10:15 Snack Recess Break
Get your wiggly squigglies out. Use the bathroom. Drink water! Eat a little snack! And get ready for your first lesson.
10:20-10:50 Core5 Lexia for 30 minutes
10:55-11:30 Feet-on-the-Ground Dice Math adding
11:30-12:00 Lunch Recess
Get your wiggly squigglies out. Use the bathroom. Drink water! Eat a healthy lunch! And get ready for your afternoon lessons.
12:05-12:30 Printing Practice
Make a neat row of each word with a finger-space between each: bag, cab, fad, fade, beef
12:30-1:00 Afternoon ZOOM Meeting
Share math papers, printing practice, Core5 Lexia stories, and a read-aloud.
Click here to go to PVUSD Student Links (and our GoogleClassroom)
Whole-Class ZOOM 9:00-10:00
Fun friend story.
ST Math: review of how to start
Printing practice- a, b, c, d, e, f, g
How to read National Geographic #Books in our Google Classroom CLASSWORK section.
10:00-10:15 Snack Recess Break
Get your wiggly squigglies out. Use the bathroom. Drink water! Eat a little snack! And get ready for your first lesson.
10:20-10:50 ST Math for 30 minutes
10:55-11:30 Online Lesson: National Geographic #Book 1 practice to make it smooth. You will be reading to me next week!
11:30-12:00 Lunch Recess
Get your wiggly squigglies out. Use the bathroom. Drink water! Eat a healthy lunch! And get ready for your afternoon lessons.
12:05-12:30 Printing Practice
Make sure to use the way I showed you this morning to write neat letters.
Make a neat row of a with a finger-space between each a b. c. d. e. f, g.
12:30-1:00 Afternoon ZOOM Meeting
Share math papers, printing practice, National Geographic Reading Stories stories, and a read-aloud.
Click here to go to PVUSD Student Links (and our GoogleClassroom)
Whole-Class ZOOM 9:00-10:00
Fun pet story.
How to do the dice math lesson when we leave ZOOM.
Printing practice- a, b, c, d, e, f.
How to get into MobyMax Paired Reading Stories.
10:00-10:15 Snack Recess Break
Get your wiggly squigglies out. Use the bathroom. Drink water! Eat a little snack! And get ready for your first lesson.
10:20-10:50 Online Lesson: MobyMax Paired Reading Stories for 30 minutes
10:55-11:30 Feet-on-the-Ground Lesson: Dice Math Number Sense
Math Number Sense: roll the dice and draw counter pictures that correspond with numbers that come up. Do this 10 times, more for extra credit!
Save this paper to share in the afternoon ZOOM Meeting.
11:30-12:00 Lunch Recess
Get your wiggly squigglies out. Use the bathroom. Drink water! Eat a healthy lunch! And get ready for your afternoon lessons.
12:05-12:30 Printing Practice
Make sure to use the way I showed you this morning to write neat letters.
Make a neat row of a with a finger-space between each a b. c. d. e. f.
12:30-1:00 Afternoon ZOOM Meeting
Share math papers, printing practice, MobyMax Paired Reading Stories stories, and a read-aloud.
Click here to go to PVUSD Student Links (and our GoogleClassroom)
Whole-Class ZOOM 9:00-10:00
Fun family story.
How to do the math number sense lesson when we leave ZOOM.
Printing practice- a, b, c, d, e.
How to get into ST Math. SafeTube link to St Math instructional video: https://safeYouTube.net/w/9IhS
10:00-10:15 Snack Recess Break
Get your wiggly squigglies out. Use the bathroom. Drink water! Eat a little snack! And get ready for your first lesson.
10:20-10:50 Online Lesson: ST Math for 30 minutes
10:55-11:30 Feet-on-the-Ground Lesson: Math Number Sense
Math Number Sense: draw counter pictures that correspond with numerals 0-5
Save this paper to share in the afternoon ZOOM Meeting.
11:30-12:00 Lunch Recess
Get your wiggly squigglies out. Use the bathroom. Drink water! Eat a healthy lunch! And get ready for your afternoon lessons.
12:05-12:30 Printing Practice
Make sure to use the way I showed you this morning to write neat letters.
Make a neat row of a with a finger-space between each a b. c. d. e.
12:30-1:00 Afternoon ZOOM Meeting
Share math papers, printing practice, ST Math stories, and a read-aloud.
Click here to go to PVUSD Student Links (and our GoogleClassroom)
Here is a special greeting from Ms. Paulus and Libbie! Click on the link to see the video!
We are going to have so much fun with this! Click on this to get to the video!
Ms. Paulus and Miss Libbie



“Empty Desks: New report shows Santa Cruz County a Leader in Elementary School Truancy” Santa Cruz Sentinel 9-30-2013.
This article makes for interesting reading. Truancy is a problem everywhere, including at WCSA.
So when should kids stay home? Generally speaking: if they have a fever, if they are throwing up or have “the runs”, if they are in the 1st 24 hours of taking an antibiotic, if they have conjunctivitis before treatment, if they have a great amount of green mucus coming from their nose, if they have a “wet cough”. Kids with persistant dry/hacky coughs can come to school. And kids who wake up tired should really come to school and need to get to bed earlier!